Friday, April 26, 2013

Western traditional medicine is not perfect. That said, it's the best thing going. Re: alterative medicine, if  it won't harm you or bankrupt you and you think it helps (like chicken soup) have at it. Then there's Homeopathy which is another word for Racket.

Gluten free diets are the latest fad for middle class and rich white people. Unfortunately, there is a REAL disease called Celiac Sprue and people who have it MUST stay gluten-free. (Celiac is diagnosed by a blood test and a small intestine biopsy).  However, a whole industry has mushroomed around something called "gluten intolerance" for which there is no reliable test or strong evidence for that matter.

Speaking of fads for middle class and rich white people, there's yoga. There's nothing wrong with yoga except that most of us call it stretching. But if you add a little Eastern Mysticism to it, you can charge more.

Enough about health and onto something that will really make you sick. The Phillies. Charley Manuel, luv ya but it's time. Same for Ruben Amaro.

The Phillies should fast-track pitcher Jesse Biddle. Yes, he's not ready. Neither is John Lannan or half the guys in their bullpen. So what. Let him learn in the majors. It'll hurt his confidence? If it does, then he's not cut out to be a big league pitcher.

Ben Revere may have the worst throwing arm of any outfielder I've ever seen.

If the NRA won't let us control guns, how about bullets? Nothing in the 2nd amendment about that.

Saw the Showtime documentary about Dick Cheney. Took him less than 10 seconds to tell the first lie.


  1. Found your blog Harvey! But the Facebook link did not work, at least not on my computer. Found you anyway! Good luck with your blog.
